Primary Benefits Summary
- Purifies the air
- Provides mental clarity
- Soothes nerves, stress and anxiety
- Assists in respiratory function
- Revitalizes the mind and uplifts emotional spirits
Fir Needle Essential Oil Siberia (Abies siberica) comes from Austria and is Wildcrafted Therapeutic Quality Essential Oil steam distilled from the needles of the tree.
This Siberian Fir Needle Essential Oil has a christmasy / pine scent. Often used for scenting sachets and potpourris, it has a pleasant pine forest-lik aroma. The aroma of this Fir Needle Essential OIl is smooth, fresh, evergreen that is refreshing and harmonizing too. Precautions: may irritate skin – never used undiluted on the skin.
Blends nicely with Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary, Lemon, Pine, Eucalyptus, Tea tree and Marjoram.
Silver Fir Needle (Abies Siberica)